Saturday, April 19, 2008

My sad foray into domesticity

So a girlfriend was telling me how she makes her own laundry soap using 3 common ingredients [one of which was the *fabulous* Dr. Bronner’s soap!]. She said it was better for a child’s skin and good for the environment. Hmmm, I thought, better for my family? Good for the earth? I could probably do that. I think I could. I might. I should. I will! I will make my own laundry soap and be proud of myself for being so domestic!

I was nervous [I’m not exactly the most domestic person in the world] but convinced it would be wonderful. Soooo, tonight I gave it my best shot. I carefully read the directions [twice], measured the ingredients [twice], mixed, and poured it into the bottle. All was well until I tried to use the soap. I’m not sure what happened, but something isn’t right. Does this look like laundry soap to you??

It's as hard as a rock.

Remind me to add Tide to my grocery list.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Look what you can do with duct tape!

I think the Duct Tape website is *hilarious*!! Check out these dresses and suits made from duct tape! Crazy!! {no I did not take these pictures!}

{photo credit goes to}

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

I love that...

...SMILE!! Isn't he a doll?!

Saturday, April 5, 2008


I don't normally post outtakes, but these were too fun to resist! I loved this adorable 7 month old and his "big brother," Tucker the dog.
Out of focus? No--it's a portrait of Tucker! Exiled to the kitchen, he was a good sport. But his feelings on the subject were clear!
"This lady is crazy but she sure is funny!"
"I don't think this is working!!!!"
B is blessed with an adoring mama...A super fun dad...
and a gorgeous smile. Life is good!

Friday, April 4, 2008


What a joy! We are growing some flowers & veggies indoors to get a head-start on gardening this year. My kiddos loved helping me plant the flats and pots of seeds. They are delighted when each new sprout pops up. Of course, we have pots that got 50 seeds in them, and tomatoes that are mixed with basil, and about half of our pots didn't get any seeds at all, but that just makes it even more exciting. I love Spring!